Recent content by adamwarlock

  1. adamwarlock

    Favorite line from Buk?

    "When you drank the world was still out there; but for the moment it didn't have you by the throat."
  2. adamwarlock

    Don't forget to vote!

    Somewhere else on the internet the subject of the great divide this election has caused between US citizens reminded me of one of Bukowski's poems (I believe that's it origin) .... “We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We...
  3. adamwarlock

    Don't forget to vote!

    So now do we have to build a ray gun to point at a planet we've never heard of?
  4. adamwarlock

    Henry Miller Tapes

    I've read Black Spring and Tropic of Capricorn and Cancer, as well as Nights of Love & Laughter. The latter being my favorite one. I think of that sampling, Miller was much better at the short story than the long novel. I enjoyed the other three to a degree, for one of the reasons I started...
  5. adamwarlock

    Don't forget to vote!

    Don't blame me. I voted for Kodos.
  6. adamwarlock

    if you like bukowski...

    I'm not much a fan of poetry either and have only read sections of two of Bukowski's poetry books. But I really like Henry Miller, and in particular Nights of Love & Laughter, a collection of his short stories. One of them really reminding me of Bukowski. Tropic of Cancer, Black Spring and...
  7. adamwarlock

    What age did you first encounter Buk?

    About 5 years ago. A coworker at a previous job noticed that I read a lot on my lunch break which got us talking. At some point in talking to each other he mentioned Bukowski, Post Office in particular. So I checked out of the library and read it. I immediately read all his novels the...