Recent content by buckaroo

  1. buckaroo

    Best line from the forums?

    mjp, just an FYI. Your application for statehood has been accepted.
  2. buckaroo

    Best line from the forums?

    Is there a forum thread for the best one-liners on the website? If not, I nominate "You have not joined an effete cathedral of intellectualism, neocolonialism and organic watercress on hand made artisan bread." (mjp August 23, 2011) Honestly, that deserves to be nominated for sentence of the...
  3. buckaroo

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    I was reading a 1983 Paris Review interview with Raymond Carver and Carver referred to Bukowski as "a kind of hero to me." It seems Carver's first published poem came when he was around 20 (1958?ish) in a publication called Targets and Buk (can I call him Buk?) had a poem in the same issue (not...