Recent content by Cory1984

  1. C

    Bukowski Sober Years

    I agree that sounded like a contradictory statement...he didn't drink often, yet he drank every day...I'm not sure how that works. What do you suppose his motivations were if he wasn't being truthful about Bukowski's drinking? To me it seems it would be in his best interests to do the opposite...
  2. C

    Bukowski Sober Years

    Do you guys believe that Martin is lying about, or at least under exaggerating, Bukowski's drinking?
  3. C

    Bukowski Sober Years

    So if this was in '89 it would coincide with what skiroomalum was saying about him quitting temporarily after battling tuberculosis, according to the timeline.
  4. C

    Bukowski Sober Years

    Perhaps this is what I was thinking of, for some reason I associate a lengthy period of sobriety with Marina, although it is entirely possible that I dreamed this up. Any idea what year this might have been or any references to this year of being sober?
  5. C

    Bukowski Sober Years

    I apologize if this subject has already been discussed here, but I couldn't find any information about this here or elsewhere on the internet. Over the years I've heard that Bukowski was allegedly sober for as long as a couple years at some point, possibly after the birth of his daughter Marina...