Recent content by Hannah

  1. Hannah

    Database updated

    Here are all the manuscript images from the site. 👈 @Trevor Here are all the manuscript images I have. Many are unprocessed—meaning they are undated, and the images are uncropped and unprocessed—so many may be new to you. I don't know if the manuscripts from the site are in the "all...
  2. Hannah

    The senseless, tragic rape of Charles Bukowski’s ghost by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press

    They're not coming back, sorry. You can probably find them at As I mentioned, there was never any point in trying to convince anyone of anything. People, generally speaking, don't care, and the internet and the younger generations have taken Bukowski and reinterpreted his work and...
  3. Hannah

    Ethereum, Bitcoin and Quatloos (or: How will Ethereum revolutionize the music industry?)

    In light of Bitcoin reaching an all-time high value a couple of days ago, I'm dropping in to say that we still have that $149 worth of Bitcoin that we took in trade for art supplies in 2018, and at this moment, it's worth $925. I've purchased little bits of crypto over the past three years...
  4. Hannah

    Database updated

    @Father Luke, yes, it would work. But – old versions of PHP are open to exploit and don't get security patches anymore. So the likelihood is your war machine would eventually be taken hostage by some kids in Belrus or Xinjiang or somewhere and used for nefarious purposes. I've missed you too...
  5. Hannah

    Database updated

  6. Hannah

    Database updated

    @Trevor, I'll zip it all up and send it to you. I don't need any say over how you use it. Do as you see fit. FREE THE PEOPLE! ?
  7. Hannah

    Database updated

    I've been thinking about this, and Trevor, if you think you can work with it, I'll send you the database. I'm not really concerned with the appearance; that has never been my concern. But I can't walk anyone through implementing it or answer questions about how it works (though when you look...
  8. Hannah

    Database updated

    Greetings, sisters, brothers, and others! ? I'm fine, thanks to those who were concerned. Cost wasn't a factor in closing the site; technology was. The site—and the database—run on PHP and a couple of MySQL databases. The PHP scripting language changes every year. So, every year, I've had to...
  9. Hannah

    2 A.M., A Famished Orphan Sits Somewhere In The Mind, Hail And Farewell, Forevermore, How The Wild West Was Lost: Go Magazine, January 9, 1989

    This issue also has interviews with Bukowski and Carl Weissner. (Oops, I see the interview appeared first in Gargoyle #35. Not sure if that's been posted elsewhere so I'll leave this here.)
  10. Hannah

    Master Collection?

    Okay, I lied. All the database audio links are fixed.
  11. Hannah

    Master Collection?

    It looks like the audio isn't loading from because the Soundcloud integration—displaying them on—is broken. I doubt I'll fix that, but maybe there's something that can be done.
  12. Hannah

    Want to buy Letters, paintings, typescripts and carbons

    How much have you saved up? ? There may be manuscripts and a color drawing with a handwritten letter coming out of my collection soon. But the good things are spendy, if you know what I mean.
  13. Hannah

    The senseless, tragic rape of Charles Bukowski’s ghost by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press

    My ears were ringing. Did someone say my name? ? I don't care what anyone believes about Bukowski, John Martin, or mjp anymore. They're all fictional characters, anyway. The Martinizing thing was a Don Quixote crusade, but it felt right at the time. The truth is, there was never any point in...
  14. Hannah

    Why have forums declined in use?

    I would say the vibe we created - all of the core group of members - is the point that matters most in this airing of the old grievances thread. Without critical oversight, the forum would have become a cesspool. And, not for nothing, but a person with no ego could have never created - or...