Recent content by Lindsay

  1. Lindsay

    charles bukowski t-shirt

    Absolutely nothing.
  2. Lindsay

    charles bukowski t-shirt

    When I was in middle school I used to wear t-shirts with author's names and faces on them - the idea that this adds to a person's hipness would have caused my bullies to roll around in hysterics. And I wouldn't immediately discount the possibility that this person is spamming the forums for...
  3. Lindsay

    Dispelling Bukowski's myths

    I am guilty of having that attitude about Ayn Rand.
  4. Lindsay

    Dispelling Bukowski's myths

    Yeah. I began by reading Buk's poems and didn't actually read a single one of his novels until last year. I don't enjoy them as much as the poems because they aren't as... open? When I read his poetry it is like experiencing the real Buk, whereas reading his novels is like trying to see his...
  5. Lindsay

    Howdy, folks

    I hate to work too, but tend to feel lousy when I don't. I've found a pretty good balance working from home for my friend's company. Friends care about your well-being and will pester you to take holidays. :D Go raibh maith agat, mjp! Last year I was learning Irish, which I intend to...
  6. Lindsay

    Howdy, folks

    I've been a fan of the smog website for a long time and had been awaiting the arrival of - it slipped my mind for a while and I decided to take a look again the other day to find that it exists now! Yay! So, I'm a 22 year old Chicagoan living in Ireland, have been reading Buk...