Recent content by mronkain

  1. mronkain

    Got a big pipe? Live reading DVDs preview available

    Hey people, the clips is also online in Google videos here. - Marko
  2. mronkain

    Bukowski in comics?

    Any appearances in comics? I know at least one in Finnish comic "Viivi ja Wagner" (Viivi and Wagner, a daily comic strip about a woman, Viivi and a pig, Wagner, living together): Translation: 1: Charles Bukowski used the word "awesome" about the music of Jean Sibelius. 2: (checks the...
  3. mronkain

    The Bukowski Tapes by Barbet Schroeder

    Just in case somebody doesn't want to (or know how to) download them, here they are readily in AVi format, packed with WinRAR, shared in Rapidshare. - m
  4. mronkain

    Linda Bukowski donates books & manuscripts to Huntington Library

    I just noticed this in alt.books.bukowski:
  5. mronkain

    Poetry in Motion doc

    I heard the man in Hostage (CD) at first time. I was surprised as hell to hear his soft, almost delicate voice. Having heard William Burroughs first I kind of expected Hank's voice to be a rougher version of his voice. After I got used to it I just love to hear him speak! - Marko
  6. mronkain

    The Bukowski Tapes by Barbet Schroeder

    Do you guys know already that The Bukowski Tapes are available at Google Videos? EDIT: sorry, should've read the old messages properly first, you do know. Well, how about this: do you know that they can be downloaded as AVI-files as well? EDIT 2: damn it, I really should read all the messages...