Recent content by Nephilim Muse

  1. Nephilim Muse


    I'm a good few hours from the Tampa area. but the overall metal scene in my area was flanked by trendsetters. Decent local metal is hard to come by. A few of the good bands down here, like into the moat and implosive disgorgence were able to make relatively decent careers out of their stuff...
  2. Nephilim Muse


    thank you. thank you... it's great to be back amongst the drunken spell checkers...
  3. Nephilim Muse


    I'm reintroducing myself to this since I didn't write a fucking thing after my first intro... maybe this this time i'll be more involved and i wont forget that i registered. let's not bet on that though. and i will not correct my spelling. EVER!!! leaking my allbum... enjoy torrent
  4. Nephilim Muse


    Hey everyone. It's good to find a forum where Bukowski fans can shoot the shit. I'm 23 years old. South Floridian. Conscious hip hop artist / Death metal vocalist / Wanna be. I've been reading the Buks work since I was 14. He made me want to write. I look forward to shooting the shit...
  5. Nephilim Muse

    Was Bukowski bisexual?

    I think the buk was just an ubersexual. I mean, For christ sakes, he wrote about cutting his cock while trying to fuck a vase. he lost his virginity to a 300 lb whore... it wouldn't surpise me if he volentarily put it in a few guys...