Recent content by angelamarie

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    When did you discover Bukowski?

    first hear bukowski I first heard about bukowski when I was 14 or 15. i used to sit in the back yard of my run-down house in these broken lawn chairs with my two favorite cousins listening to records while they smoked parliaments and discussed literature with me. I had just finished kerouac's...
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    Discussion of "sway with me"

    Okay so i was trying to think of a way to invoke a discussion about the poem with out revealing too much about myself but i gave up. The truth is i'm thinking of getting a tattoo soon and one of my ideas it the poem "sway with me." its one of my favorites but I wanted to know what other...
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    Self Mutilation Poem

    Okay so I could be completely wrong but I thought once when reading bukowski I read a poem about him dating a girl that hurt herself, however after looking though all my books and searching everywhere, i can't find it. does anyone know what I'm talking about? thanks angelamarie