Recent content by antelope1202

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    The Continual Condition

    I was extremely disappointed with almost the whole lot of it. That being said, "bayonets In candlelight" is pretty much worth the full hardcover price.
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    City Lights Strikes Again: New Buk Collection for 2010 - Absence of the Hero

    "Portions" was the best "new" Buk collection I've read in ages. Here's to hoping this holds up.
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    Quotes by Bukowski

    "For all I have written, I seem to remain a monk fornicating a goose in a coal mine."- Letter responding to a suggestion of a complete bibliography in Screams From The Balcony
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    Fuck Mickey Mouse

    yep! that's one of my fav moments in In Tales of Ordinary Madness ( and therefore, I suppose, Erections...) When an editor takes Buk into a drugstore to wait on a bus... "I've got to go by my prejudices and neuroses because that's all I've got to go buy...I don't like drug stores...Mickey...
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    What buk piece effects you the most emotionally in a personal way?

    When I need help there are two poems that I read. 1.) "The Shit Shits" in particular the lines "some day I will tell that foreman off. I will tell everybody off. and walk down to the end of the road and make swans out of the blackbirds and lions out of berry leaves" And the one that...
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    Depression/Mental Health

    There is a letter, I believe in "Screams..." and in the beginning of the letter Buk states, not using any kind of metaphor -tiger or hell, but states directly that he is in a "depressive state" and gets into them frequently. Also, on this note, I believe if you were going to make a case for...
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    Help! All of my Buk books are ecco/virgin editions

    Many independent/used bookstores stock BSP copies at random or even regularly. I recently discovered a bookstore here in Jacksonville FL of all places that has an entire shelf dedicated to BSP. Unless they are hardcover, they sell for 7-10 bucks. It has been taking a decent chunk of my funds.
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    Vintage News - Targets just out...

    If not for the poetry announcement, for the alcoholism bureau...
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    Laugh Literary And Man The Humping Guns

    Buk probably rejected a couple of his own...sent them somewhere else...It is incredible to think of that stapling business though. As for the online/print thing, I know this quick little thread is not the time nor place for a lengthy debate, but I like to operate under the system that a poem...
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    Why "Ham On Rye"?

    I've always thought of a Lil' Buk being served a Ham On Rye Sandwich over and over again and him getting fed up with it.
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    top 5 writers (bar buk)

    1.Sartre 2.Rimbaud 3.Burroughs (Augusten) 4.O'Neil (Eugene) 5.Wolfe (Tom) with Rowling (J.K) sorry about 5 guys, can't help it.
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    Attention: writers - call for submissions

    I'm gonna selfishly bring more attention to this thread for my own work as well...
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    A Bukowski line that made you laugh out loud!

    The first line that comes to mind which makes me laugh just thinking about it is from the end of post office when buk explains the trapping season and when asked what he does the line goes into italics and reads trap!
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    I'm gonna go out on a fucking limb... and say that I enjoy californication. Bukowski aside (although I do agree there is some influence from someone in the show trying to make it come through in a weak sort of way) I think the show is entertaining. Owell.
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    In how many languages was Bukowski translated ?

    I think in most of his bravado, when he would say "And I'm translated into...", or when he would put himself down by something "even though i'm translated into..." he uses the number 17. He was into that. Probably more by now though.