Recent content by baldy

  1. B

    Favorite Bukowski Work?

    Post Office! My favorite scene from a Buk book has to be the taxi scene from 'Factotum': Later, back in the classroom:
  2. B

    Buk's d.t.'s

    Keep a bedside bottle. Waking up with the horrors is even worse than having them hit you during the day.
  3. B

    Ham On Rye Intro.

    Now THAT'S funny!
  4. B

    Buk's d.t.'s

    Ever wonder why Buk never spoke about drying out? There had to be times when he went thru the shakes/delirium tremens, yet I've never found a passage directly relating to them. Strange that a man who was so open and self-effacing never described what it was like. Too caught up in the tough...
  5. B

    Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner

    From 'Charles Bukowski' by Barry Miles: "He told publisher John Webb that six days after leaving the hospital he returned to his job at the post office, driving the mail truck, lifting 50-pound packages, and mail sacks, and wondering if the blood would come again. And it was a couple of days...
  6. B

    Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner

    For an alcoholic, one day dry constitutes quitting. /Personal experience. Admit it, your 'trivia' question was weak.
  7. B

    Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner

    Where are you getting your information from?
  8. B

    Buk as in 'duke'

    Buk as in 'puke' Buk as in 'up-chuck' Hank as in 'Crank'
  9. B

    Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner

    Quit drinking after his stomach exploded Quit drinking towards the end of his life when diagnosed w/leukemia (was surprised at how easy it was...) Quit drinking while in Wheeler Texas with Barbara Frye. (dry county. O.k., this one reallty doesn't count -it was against his will) There are...
  10. B

    Charles Bukowski Never Did This

    .... and your point is???
  11. B

    favorite passages

    My current fave: "I made practice runs down to skid row to get ready for my future." -from 'Ham on Rye.'
  12. B

    What makes Bukowski so unique?

    I'll tell you where he got his style: John Fante/Ernest Hemingway/Charles Bukowski. Contrary to what has been written here, he did edit his work. Sometimes savagely. No big words, no long sentences. He had his own personal feel for how a line should be laid down. Gut instinct. I don't...
  13. B

    What makes Bukowski so unique?

    Here's a quote lifted directly from John William Corrington concerning Bukowskis relase of 'It Catches My Heart in it's Hands': (his style is a ) 'language devoid of affection, devices, and mannerisms that have taken over academic verse.' (his style is) 'the spoken voice nailed to paper.'...
  14. B

    What makes Bukowski so unique?

    Yes, 'Cat in the Hat' simple. That's how I describe Bukowski to those who haven't read him. And no, you can't do it because you didn't think to do it yourself. It took years, decades for Bukowski to get to where he wanted to be. Years of writing, millions of words, thousands of 'pomes'...
  15. B

    What makes Bukowski so unique?

    Bukowski works on different levels, for better or for worse. I always describe him as a 'Cat in the Hat' for adults. However the real joy is searching for the inner beauty in his work. If one knows how and where to look, there's a treasure of emotions and philosophy hidden in his stuff.