Recent content by Buzz Fledderjohn

  1. Buzz Fledderjohn

    Noob question

    So I'm relatively new to Bukowski I only discovered him in October and as of last week I've read all his novels. I won't bother describing how much I loved them because I'm sure you all know the feeling. Anyway I really want to start getting into his poetry but don't want to end up buying 60...
  2. Buzz Fledderjohn

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    Yeah I found it a couple days later sped through it too. As of right now I've finished all his of novels and one or two poem collections.
  3. Buzz Fledderjohn

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    My first introduction to Buk was when I started reading stuff from the Beat generation and Bukowski's name always got thrown around, one day I was at the bookstore and saw Ham on Rye and remembered the name since I had no idea what I wanted I bought Ham on Rye. I came home read a bit and I...