Recent content by cannotski

  1. cannotski

    How hard was Buk?

    HenryChinaski, is it your desire to see me grovel? Is that why you threaten me with the 'ban button'? I truly understand that I fucked up. I can only offer a sincere apology. And, I understand that you feel sorry for me.
  2. cannotski

    How hard was Buk?

    mjp and henrychinaski, you guys are right. My apologies. Gotta deal with my own shit on my own time.
  3. cannotski

    Buk and the prom

    HenryChinaski, give what up? ROC, I guess it's just annoyance. Do you really think the invectives are too much?
  4. cannotski

    Buk and the prom

    mjp, why is it so fucking important if it really happened to buk or not? this shit really happens to some people in life. Isn't that enough? what the fuck do you want?
  5. cannotski

    pedro address and last respects

    Pee-dro and not Pay-dro. How about Peh-dro? Fuck it, vote for Pedro!!:D
  6. cannotski


    Welcome aboard, edgerat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:
  7. cannotski

    Surprised there aren't more little Bukowski's

    Damn good point!!!!!!!
  8. cannotski

    John Thomas from "Strong Man"

    Cirerita, what do you for a living if I may ask? I struggle between the desire to be a free-roaming soul and making a living. this is a sincere question.
  9. cannotski

    How hard was Buk?

    What the fuck!!! Have you not read any of his books or did you just see the movie, Barfly? He got into fights now and then. sometimes he kicked ass and sometimes he got the shit beat out of him. AND sometimes he walked away because he was scared. What else do you want? He was pretty honest...
  10. cannotski

    Joseph Campbell and Bukowski

    If he was doing the only thing he knew how to do then he wasn't necessarily following his bliss.
  11. cannotski

    hello and help

  12. cannotski

    The Charles Bukowski Museum?

    Do YOU think it's a good idea? Why do you give a fuck what Bukowski would think? He wouldn't give a fuck what you think.
  13. cannotski

    question re 'the solar mass'

    I didn't think that you meant very strange and intriguing to me!
  14. cannotski

    The New Generation of Buk readers

    Hey, you. No one is TAKING Bukowski away from you! I understand your pride. Let the rest of the pied-piper rats and the assorted band-wagon freaks move on to read the latest volume of Chicken-soup for the Soul.