Recent content by davidblaine

  1. davidblaine

    What did Bukowski drink?

    This was all pretty interesting, but I have to think that the idea of someone celebrating him by copying him would make Bukowski puke. I think the best way to toast the Buk would be to drink whatever YOU enjoy most! All that "Don't Try" and all, you know! :D Did someone suggest he...
  2. davidblaine

    Justin Hyde ...

    Clarification OK, I don't know why previous replies here haven't posted, but I'm giving it one last try. First off, I'm David Blaine. I'm the member at The Guild of Outsider Writers who thought of having the Micheline Memorial contest. Paul Corman-Roberts is a member of our group, but he...
  3. davidblaine

    Poem published on Hemingway's Shotgun

    Dat Keyboard! Your handiwork is amazing, both the way you shoe horned that pc into the cabinet, and of course, your cabinetmaking skills themselves. But what about that keyboard? Did you build that too? Surely something that beautiful isn't for sale on the mass market, is it? But if...