Recent content by Dizzmatic

  1. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Correction: Kermit got so much pussy that he chose to be gay, it was the only thing he could do, nothing left to tap, he got bored.
  2. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    I have respect for gays. But not gays who read Danielle Steele. Even in jest, that's still an unusually cruel joke.
  3. Dizzmatic

    30 Pages Left of Hollywood...

    Just bought it last night, almost finished. I didn't expect it to be this good, but it's up there with Ham on Rye for me.
  4. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Why are you calling me a honky when you are self-admitted faggot from Canada?
  5. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Figures... And I've read more than one "fucking" thread, and am not accusing the whole site of Bukowski worship. I misspoke. It's mainly a couple people like you, who feel the need to jump head first into a discussion between two posters to defend a fellow Bukowski dick rider. By the way, what...
  6. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Nope, I've already given my reasons for responding to the thread. Also, went into another thread on here, and saw the same pathetic insults being thrown by MJP at a poster just like in this thread. I guess MJP can get away with it though because of his post count. I saw nothing wrong with what...
  7. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    If you believe that then you obviously don't know Jack. (pun intended) Town and the City, Big Sur, On the Road, Tristessa, Visions of Cody, The Dharma Bums, Mexico City Blues. brilliant.
  8. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Well, realizing now that this thread is a little more than dated, there is not much of a conversation going on about the topic. I would be happy to discuss Kerouac and Bukowski with anyone. As for my blog, thanks a lot. Each of those posts took maybe 2 or 3 minutes each to write, and are put...
  9. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Way too late for that I agree, I don't understand what the hate is for.
  10. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Yes, it is. Unless you or someone plans on banning me on no grounds, that's fine. I came in here to learn more about Bukowski's dislike for "Mack Derouac," and contribute to the topic, but noticed a certain poster's massive Bukowski dick riding, and decided to say something. Still don't...
  11. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    I'll stay on the forum as long as want, thanks though. As far as my career goes, I never planned on having a career on a message board. And obviously, MJP gets along just fine insulting people, but I guess that doesn't matter as long as you worship Bukowski to very unhealthy levels. Still, I...
  12. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    I'm a Bukowski fan.......
  13. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Why? What does any of this have to do with you?
  14. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    Nope. Just started reading "Hollywood." Saw the chapter about Mack Derouac and searched on the internet and I found the forum with the first result. But from this thread alone I can tell that your Bukowski worship is disgusting.
  15. Dizzmatic

    Mack Derouac

    MJP, I just signed up, I can already tell that Bukowski's deceased dick is so far up your ass that you can't see straight.