Recent content by dont.try

  1. dont.try

    Bukowski on Jack Kerouac?

    Like thousands of others, I read a lot of Kerouac in my late teens but very little since then. His poetry is very inconsistent and tends toward shitty. The comment about drugs and an editor publishing whatever Kerouac wrote is spot on. As for the novels, there's some real gems and some bores...
  2. dont.try

    if you like bukowski...

    Bukowski always referred to Fante, Celine, Hamsun and Dostoevsky as his influences so maybe start with those. He also mentioned Jeffers and McCullers a lot (his tribute poem to McCullers is great). I'd throw in Raymond Carver, Hubert Selby JR and maybe some Hunter S. Thompson too. Hank was one...
  3. dont.try

    In what order did you read Bukowski's novels?

    Love Is A Dog From Hell. After that, I went right out and bought: Burning In Water... You Get So Alone... South Of No North. ...not sure the order of the rest. Novels: Women Post Office Factotum Ham On Rye (haven't read Pulp yet)