Recent content by Doug Downie

  1. D

    Best Buk Bio(s)?

    OK, my curiosity is piqued, if I can scrape together a couple bucks maybe I'll get a hold of it (so many books, so few bucks, and only one Buk).
  2. D

    Another Popcorn Reference

    On popcorn, there's a great line in the Bukowski Tapes where he says sometimes he doesn't even want to write, it's like another job, but sits down to the typer and the words just come "like popcorn, psst, pssst, pssst". Love that.
  3. D

    Best Buk Bio(s)?

    Not exactly a bio but a memoir: has anyone read "The Holy Grail: The Charles Bukowski/ Second Coming Revolution" new from A. D. Winans? If so, what did you think?
  4. D

    Bob Dylan - Coldspring Journal #10, 1976

    Ah, thanks for that, looked for it last night and couldn't find it.
  5. D

    Bob Dylan - Coldspring Journal #10, 1976

    Seems I've read that in one of the collections, but it goes on more, finally ending with a line something like "but right now it's Bob Dylan, Bob Dylan, all the way" or something like that. Maybe I'm thinking of a different poem though.
  6. D

    Would You Suggest Writing as a Career?

    I have to confess I didn't even know what a troll was (in this context)...had to look it up. I can tell you that wasn't my intention, and I don't intend to post poetry continually, so don't worry, that was just a hello. Just glad to have stumbled upon this site as accessing things like...
  7. D

    Would You Suggest Writing as a Career?

    For Buk Well shit fuck and damn...odd that posting a poem or two would be taboo on a site like this but my post yesterday was apparently deleted by the moderator. Sure, a lot of crap would pour out if everyone posted their poetry but it seems natural to allow some. Yeah, I write poetry and yeah...