Recent content by flaco

  1. flaco

    Notes of a dirty old man

    foreword to "notes" I like how Bukowski writes of the free reign he had in composing the column. Under no pressure to conform to any style he claims he felt that the writing improved over time. I'm guessing that lacking a real-time editor allowed him to bypass his own inner editor and let...
  2. flaco

    What are you listening to now?

    god bless the brick 'n mortar. and fuck cable. oops. sorry. anybody hear of The Mattoid? got a taste of it earlier today. funky finnish folk. or anti folk. i don't know, i get 'em mixed up.
  3. flaco

    Portions From a Wine-Stained Notebook

    Kewl. I ordered the paperback. And asked for notification on the hardcover.
  4. flaco

    A somewhat dissenting opinion

    What a truly horrible circumstance not to go a little crazy. I think I read that somewhere. ;)
  5. flaco

    A somewhat dissenting opinion

    Masters degree or not, she's still young, still learning. Her Buk entry was the first after her Bosnia experience. I'm reminded of a Capt. Willard quote from Apocalypse Now. "Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx shithole. Light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head." A...
  6. flaco

    Another 'Lets get to know each other' thread!

    I'm more me than ever. Damn.
  7. flaco


    Who the fuck are the Knutsens?
  8. flaco

    Bukowski reading block

    As has been the case for most of my conscious life, and likely the bulk of my unconscious one as well, I find myself in my own little dinghy rowing to the solitary beat of some unknown and unheard of drummer. I'm just now getting to Mr. Bukowski's novels. As noted in my intro thread, I...
  9. flaco


    Yeah, well, she was a "steamship of a woman". Got myself far enough into Post Office to see where your moniker comes from.
  10. flaco


    Got started with Post Office. Love it so far. Reminds me of too many of my former work situations. I've put it aside for the time being as I picked up on Cory Doctorow's Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town. Tough to put that one down.
  11. flaco

    of course it's possible to love...

    Ah, of course. First reading of Bukowski for me was Notes of a Dirty Old Man. That was several years ago, though. Just read through that section. Existential Buk in the big house.
  12. flaco

    of course it's possible to love...

    I think he stole it from Groucho Marx. Or maybe Woody Allen?
  13. flaco


    Pearl is the more undrinkable of the brews o' Texas. Didn't stop me from chugging a few cases in my time. Been a while tho'. The original brewery ain't even a brewery anymore. They're making it up in Fort Worth these days. At a Miller brewery.
  14. flaco


    Yeah, Mort Sahl. If Jonathan Winters was the master of the improv, Mr. Sahl was the king of the wordsmiths. Guy coulda written his own dictionary.
  15. flaco


    One down (two actually, as i have read Pulp). So, who is Becker? Might he be another alter ego? That part of Chinaski that wants to fit in with the crowd? Wants to live within the mainstream? Next up, Post Office. Have a great weekend.