Recent content by Forker

  1. Forker

    How many women in here?

    I'm female, can't say how many others there are on these boards though. :P
  2. Forker

    Favorite Author (dead and still with us)

    Sylvia Plath Bukowski (of course) Keats Charlotte Bronte Jacqueline Carey (For the Kushiel series) Farley Mowat Jack London jim kjelgaard Kelly Armstong Aldous Huxley Dante *coughFrancinePascalcough* There are more but I'm having a moment right now haha, I'm sure they'll come to me.
  3. Forker

    Last CD you bought/ Book you read

    Book: Broken by Kelly Armstrong Cd: well...I think it was the Phantom of the Opera sountrack, that or something by Diana Krall
  4. Forker


    Thank you all. :) This is the best Bukowski site I've seen.
  5. Forker

    Another 'Lets get to know each other' thread!

    Well right now I'm working part-time at Zellers (basically the Canadian version of K-mart). Yep retail-hell that's what I do. In about a year I'm going to be studying to become a graphic designer though.
  6. Forker

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    The first book of his I read was Bone Palace Ballet which I found in an airport bookstore back when I was 13.
  7. Forker


    I thought I would introduce myself before randomly posting on the boards. Well I'm 19 and from Terrace BC. That's pretty much all I've got right now, man I suck at introductions.