Recent content by gay pareezen

  1. gay pareezen

    Happy joyous free

    Good advice he freaks me out a bit
  2. gay pareezen

    Was he really a Nazi?

    Sorry to disagree but Christians basically are Jews in the spiritual sense. It’s just that the Italians changed the religion into the murderous medieval cult we all know way back in the fourth century. In the political sense, Christians are Nazis or fascist if you prefer, as are the Muzz and...
  3. gay pareezen

    The senseless, tragic rape of Charles Bukowski’s ghost by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press

    Yes they should and must be restored but in the meantime I hold out hope that maybe not all were ruined. I admit I was saddened to find out about the edits because I had just got one of them. Someone in the Amazon comments mentioned all the posthumous stuff “is not Bukowski.” I appreciate...
  4. gay pareezen

    The senseless, tragic rape of Charles Bukowski’s ghost by John Martin’s Black Sparrow Press

    Edited bukowski is better than nothing. Hemingway’s wife edited his posthumous novels so I don’t see the big deal.
  5. gay pareezen

    Happy joyous free

    Bukowski helps. If not for him, I’d never have read Céline. I never would have gotten into Mahler and many others either. Also, I wouldn’t have wasted 40K on hookers and beer. Edit: Shouldn’t have said “wasted” at the time it served its purpose