Recent content by GreenOnions

  1. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?

    Give me the Bukowski quotes with the word "antidepressant"
  2. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?

    Read more carefully. SSRIs and SNRIs are newer antidepressants than TCAs and she was talking about how most of the studies were comparing benzos with TCA's even though the newer antidepressants (SSRIs and SNRIs) are prescribed more often. And yes I think a medical article comparing the two is...
  3. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?
  4. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?

    Benzodiazepines are not antidepressants.
  5. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?

    Thanks David. I believe you are correct. I dug around and saw there was a piece called "ATD Or You And We". There was an alternate title/version listed called "AFDC for you and me". AFDC seems to be a much less obscure welfare program. Presumably these terms were common 40 or more years ago.
  6. GreenOnions

    In Women, What is ATD?

    Nobody was taking antidepressants in the 70s when Women was written. I believe "ATD" refers to anti-thyroid drugs. "April was on ATD and fat." A side effect of these drugs is weight gain.