Recent content by gurry

  1. gurry

    Meher Baba

    Linda & Meher Baba Like Rekrab, I apologize for resurrecting this three year old thread. But, Buk's biographers notwithstanding, Linda was interested in Meher Baba as early as 1969-70. Although we never talked about Baba (I've never been interested in Eastern spirituality), his famous...
  2. gurry

    Linda Lee Bukowskeeeee

    True Bill ... but even trolls need to get smacked down sometimes. And thanks Rekrab. I'm just someone who read a lot of Bukowski and, quite by coincidence, knew Linda when she was in her 20s.
  3. gurry

    Linda Lee Bukowskeeeee

    I knew Linda slightly in late 69-early 70, five or six years before she met Buk. We both hung out at the Pough & Stars in Cambridge and chatted ocassionlly. (She may have worked at the Plough but I'm not sure). I'd describe her as smart, tough, sometimes sweet, and very attractive -- not a pig...