Recent content by IchLiebeW33D

  1. I

    How does Bukowski capture you?

    the honesty, the drinking, the girls
  2. I

    bukowski: novel vs poetry

    agreed this one good too
  3. I

    The Next Buk

    In one interview, an old Buk discusses his quote unquote salvation of literature. he humbly states that he was just doing what should have been done. I'm not going to be able to give a link right now, because I'm in the country on DIAL UP. ha. (If somebody could post this video it will help a...
  4. I

    Was this staged?

    yes luke, perfect.
  5. I

    bukowski: novel vs poetry

    what do you think buk was better at, writing novels or poetry? (this site is muy interactive, i have a little text rectangle at the top of my browser reminding me to post. pretty bad ass.)
  6. I

    Was Bukowski bisexual?

    nobody is purely heterosexual. buk exerted machoism, and this is where i think we can compare him to hemingway especially. but buk's stemmed from childhood, learning to be tough...heming's from childhood, being treated / even dressed like a girl. i think sexuality is a choice so i think buk...
  7. I

    Was Bukowski A Genius?

    yes, genius
  8. I

    nice to meet you all

    Hello everybody, how are yall? My name is Benjamin, but I like to go by Ben. I am a 21 year old music student here in the great state of Texas. Don't worry! I am not a crazy southern republican facist extreme-religious cowboy. My favorite book by Buk is Ham on Rye and my favorite poem by Buk...
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    sober 7 days...

    placeholder, i am only 21, obviously not an elder, but still willing to offer something on the day-afters... there is a little product containing high percentages of water soluble vitamins called "emergen-c" though I am sure there are more brands. it's amazing how much vitamin c your body can...
  10. I

    play the piano drunk....

    i know that it is a sort of best of from the 70s
  11. I

    buk in schools

    haha yes the "greats" have a way to put us to sleep, though i must say i am still a frost and poe fan. interesting isn't it, that our kids are "allowed" to read one reclusive alcoholic over another?
  12. I

    buk in schools

    hi everybody, i'm new so i hope this hasn't been asked yet. does anybody know of buk being taught in public schools?