Recent content by Jaybone

  1. Jaybone

    20 Tanks (Portfolio III), and more rarities...

    And yes...Bukowski fans and Justin Bieber fans MUST be mutually exclusive. If you are a 13-yr old girl, say, and you happen to read, oh...I dunno...Notes of a Dirty Old Man maybe, you are gonna drop Bieber like *that*! (snaps fingers)
  2. Jaybone

    The Most Beautiful Woman in Town

    Yes, it was the short story collections that corrupted my sensibilities as well. One always cherishes, perhaps more than the others, the first work one reads from what becomes a favorite author.
  3. Jaybone

    Just dropped by to say, "Hey!"

    I'd visited the main site many times before but thought I should finally drop by the forums to see what was going on. Looking forward to chatting with like-minded fans of Bukowski and writing in general. Am a fan from my early 20s when the two City Lights short story collections changed my...