Recent content by Katakakrius

  1. K

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    A Norwegian director filmed Factotum, but i never saw it until this winter, everything happend so fast, i've read a couple of books and some poems and shit. I went to Berlin last week and lived like him in a way, drinking and smoking, no fucking, but still, i do envy the ones with that...
  2. K

    Books on net

    Buy them. Of course i could buy them, but living in Norway, well, there's no chance that i'll find them. But I have Women now, and Factotum is on it's way if the libary tells me the truth, never liked the people working there, the ones in the film section are okey but the other, you just want...
  3. K

    Books on net

    Another thing, how do you guys think i should do this? My plan is to compare Chinaski's earlier life with his older life. I guess you know wha i mean...
  4. K

    Books on net

    Hello, I'm writing an essay, comparing two books, Factotum and Women. My teacher's got hold of my Women and the libary has not got Factotum... Does anyone in here know if i can find these two books on the internett, like, free of charge download stuff. Best wishes