Recent content by Keith418

  1. Keith418

    Ashes from Signature #1

    Anyone have a scan of this?
  2. Keith418

    "This Flag Not Fondly Waving"

    Does anyone know if the manuscript to this exists and was it butchered by Martin in "The Continual Condition"? Everyone is quoting the sixth section now and I am wondering if it is a legit poem or a butchery.
  3. Keith418

    1st Sixpack

    Has anyone seen the five poems from this one? I cannot find "pain" in the database.
  4. Keith418


    Can anyone scan? At Terror Street and Agony Way - pg. 56 - 1968
  5. Keith418

    Poems Written Before Jumping...Kite String, Weary Curls The Worm, Poem For The Future, Red Violets Boiling, The Hairy Hairy Fist

    Kite String, Weary Curls The Worm, Poem For The Future, Red Violets Boiling, The Hairy Hairy Fist, And Love Will Die All uncollected. Can anyone share them?
  6. Keith418


    From "It Catches" - never reprinted. Anyone have a scan?
  7. Keith418

    Truth's A Hell Of A Word

    Thank you so much! Maybe one day we will see facsimile editions of the early books.
  8. Keith418

    Truth's A Hell Of A Word

    Anyone have a scan of this one too? I lucked out the last time.
  9. Keith418

    Where The Hell Would Chopin Be?

    Thanks SO MUCH!
  10. Keith418

    Where The Hell Would Chopin Be?

    "Where The Hell Would Chopin Be?" Does anyone have a scan of this one?