Recent content by mjm5000

  1. mjm5000

    How long does love stay green?

    That Bukowski poem, "How long does love stay green (as long as the money lasts) has that been collected in anything? I have only seen that poem through this site. I love it and wonder if it is in one of his books. I have several collections of his work and it is none of the ones I have. Any...
  2. mjm5000

    Hunter S. Thompson/ Charles Bukowski

    Have either of these writers ever say anything about the other's work? Either a fan of the other?
  3. mjm5000

    Charles Bukowski Tapes Poetry Dvd 4 Hours Interview

    I saw this This is on ebay. Is it worth it. I am new to Bukowski and was wondering if this is any good. Also is there any compliation books of his poetry? I have none...