Recent content by Salted Slug

  1. Salted Slug

    Well, Hello...

    I really enjoyed all of them! Being a beer drinker, I liked "Beer". I also liked "The Crunch". I think what I enjoy most about his poetry, is the honesty. It's REAL, and it's refreshing. I have only cracked the surface, and look forward to digging in!
  2. Salted Slug

    Well, Hello...

    I started with Ham on Rye, which I really enjoyed. From there, I read Post Office, and then Pulp. I thoroughly enjoyed Love is a Dog From Hell. I'm not sure which I should read next... another novel, or more poetry. Any suggestions?
  3. Salted Slug

    Well, Hello...

    Greetings to you all from the Salted Slug. I am fairly new to Bukowski's works, but have quickly become a big fan. Happy to be here!