Recent content by Sandra

  1. Sandra

    Bukowski reference in Raymond Carver poem

    I think both Carver and Bukowski are projecting themselves into the future in these poems, wishing to be around to drive a future Cadillac. Neither of them lived to buy the model they reference though. Carver bought a Mercedes with cash as soon as he started earning money from his books in the...
  2. Sandra

    Bukowski reference in Raymond Carver poem

    Thanks so much, that must be the reference! Carver was obsessed with fishing too. And great Bukowski poem, too Thanks for the link, Erik--and I agree it sounds more like Carver than Bukowski
  3. Sandra

    Bukowski reference in Raymond Carver poem

    Hello. In Carver's poem "Cadillacs and Poetry" he cites a line pruported to be by Bukowksi, "We'd all like to pass by in a 1995 Cadillac". I cannot find the reference for this line, any help? Also, check out Carver's fantastic Bukowski imitation, "You Don't Know What Love Is" (from his book...