Recent content by sglass

  1. S

    Will Bukowski work survive time? Or, people want Mary Higgins Clark

    Everything is as it is... Nicely said, Hooch. I guess if you think about it, even though we are quite few (in the relative scheme of things) that have found this website, we would not have related in some way, or make that any way at all...were it not for the great work of Uncle Buk. Perhaps...
  2. S

    Will Bukowski work survive time? Or, people want Mary Higgins Clark

    This post made me think of something... I know this will probably sound negative, sad and/or pessimistic but reading this made me think so just let this soak in for a sec: :) Let us reflect on the human situation. All of our lives, plans, and works (if we have any that are socially accepted...