Recent content by Spinbowler

  1. S

    What are you listening to now?

    Father Luke you always help. Glad we got gravity clarified. Groovy means grooves, deep grooves. Cathedral they help me deal with mickey mouse, and a few others like him in disguise.
  2. S

    What are you listening to now?

    Gravity? I'll be like chronic now. I'll ask these off handed questions without knowing.
  3. S

    how often do you think bukowski drank?

    As much as possible. Good on him
  4. S

    What are you listening to now?

    The band Cathedral. I'm listening to their album Caravan Beyond Redemption and in particular the song satanikus robotikus a really groovy tune. I saw them live in Brisbane and they rocked!
  5. S

    what's your favourite city in the world, and why?

    Copenhagen. It was clean and the food was great, awesome waffles. The open sandwiches I had were the best sandwiches I've ever had and alway's will be. Those little fried onions and the sauce, I couldn't get over it. I ate them in a pub somewhere and the atmosphere was kicking. A beautiful city...
  6. S

    Seen any good movies lately? - Films you MUST see

    one flew over the cuckoo's nest
  7. S

    beaten & broken

    Barbarian? that's a bit rough isn't it.
  8. S

    A Bukowski line that made you laugh out loud!

    "I was on some fucking bus"
  9. S

    Was he really a Nazi?

    A person has to fight a long time before they see what they're actually fighting against, and that can be a very long process and an awefull struggle. During that time is it possible not to offend anyone? It must feel like we're offending everyone, because that's the nature of the trap. I don't...
  10. S

    beaten & broken

    Well I was drunk, and the bike had been abandoned, unlocked and lying there for quite some time. I took it back the next day, there was no sign of the 6 guys who hooked into me and also no sign of my friend who ran away. I felt regret.
  11. S

    Heavy Smoker?

    After smoking one of those in Singapore I had the biggest yak of my life. It was like a fire hydrant chunder, full blast.
  12. S

    A Bukowski line that made you laugh out loud!

    "Hey! this is alright
  13. S

    Born Into This

    I smell a rose of seduction
  14. S

    More lively discussion or The Bukowski Pissing Contest or...

    Hey! what happened to informal's post! That was the meat in the sandwich and now there's no meat, just a couple of piece's of stale bread left.