Recent content by Stouffer

  1. S

    Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs & the Computer

    Fascinating. Great site, that.
  2. S

    Reading Buk while depressed?

    I was only open to reading Bukowski when I thought I had lost everything. It's not true for everyone I'm sure, but I do wonder whether you have to have known real disappointment, disappointment that seems unassaugable, or disappointment that seems as though it could echo through to the end of...
  3. S

    James Ellroy and Bruce Wagner on Bukowski

    I think he's rather good, actually. I've only read a little of him myself, but he strikes me as a kind of avant-gardist who's managed to inject himself into the mainstream publishing bloodstream. The act is a bit jarring but everyone has their schtick. I think the dentures were a bad move...