A somewhat dissenting opinion (1 Viewer)

i've never really understood people who find Bukowski snobbish and intellectually elite.

i think what the guy is really trying to say is 'Bukowski intimidates the fuck out of me. and because of that i feel inferior. i don't like feeling this way. furthermore, i don't understand why he got so much attention. his writing breaks all the rules. his popularity doesn't make any sense. this confuses me further and makes me feel even more inferior. let me say these things about him in hopes that someone will agree with me. then when someone does, i will feel better about myself because then i know i'm not alone in my confusion and intimidation.'

that's one of my favorite Bukowski poems. it's helped me to understand that it's not necessary to force something. it's okay to just sometimes let it build until it writes itself again. for me, it helps calm the blocks when they come.

it's always sort of reminded me of a favorite quote of Anais Nin:

If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.

just sayin'.

Wow, that guy wants some attention but why bring up Bukowski? He said the words have been stirring around in his head. That must be the voices in his head.
Sometimes people take words a little too personally.

I started to leave a comment but ignoring him would be better. Father Luke will do a better job. Thanks for that mjp
"I haven't put my pen to the pages yet - ... partially because I have yet to find a pen I actually love writing with."

Oh boy.

Actually...I think the author's female.


I read that whole boring entry to agree with you, she's a girl who is quite intimidated.
Father Luke better not call her a cunt. She might take it the wrong way.;)
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For some reason this reminds me of this guy who rewrote a, errm, "Chuck Buk"-poem to proof his, errm, "criticism" by efficiently draining all the flow and rhythm out of it.
"to be honest, i've never read much of his work."---Ms. L


need we say more???

(actual photo)
The problem with blogs (in my opinion, only) is that unless you find the person fascinating, then it is all just daily minutiae of no interest to anyone.

Imagine cracking open a juicy diary and being riveted by the salacious comments. Now imagine cracking open the diary of a 90 year old accountant whose idea of fun is reading the wall street journal while eating oatmeal. It would be a tough read.

Plus, these blogs convince people that because they can write in a diary (blog) that this makes them a writer.

I just painted my son's bedroom. That does not make me an artist.


p.s. Yes, I realize that I sound like a bitter old man...
Ha ha ha - it's only been 5 hours and a Google search for "XXXXXXX XXXXX" already brings up this thread (as the third result no less). That's kind of crazy.

Gah, she's just a kid. Now I feel bad. Kind of.


Or not.
I received a kind and somewhat apologetic e-mail from the young lady (not for public posting, I'm not that kinda guy). I guess everyone has different standards ... the only comments I ever delete at Carver's Dog are those that contain outright harrassment, otherwise I pretty much let anyone have their say, especially if they disagree with me; I mean, that's how you get a dialogue going. Right?
leave her alone.
bukowski doesn't do it for her, at least at this moment. so what.
maybe if she takes the cap off that bottle of Cutty Sark and takes a glug she may change her mind. ;)
leave the kid alone, and pray she never finds the perfect pen.
No one should be immune from criticism, and I mean no one, including ourselves and especially including Bukowski, and he certainly never was exempt. But for someone to call Buk pretentious is akin to calling Charles Manson genteel.

Young or not, absurd pseudo-literary drooling is not to be condoned in my mind, unless they are connecting Camus with Hunter Thompson. Or, something like that.
Well Planahea made a great comment:
Opinions are truly wonderful things. And the most wonderful thing of all about opinions is they require no knowledge whatsoever.
So did someone called David Fink:
The only reason I bring this up is because words have been fluttering around inside my chest for weeks now.

You should see a doctor about that.

And you should pay attention to what Bukowski says in so you want to be a writer? (not "wanna," douchebag).
And someone called Purple:
Naive. Read. Pretense = fake.

Live on the streets and be fake = not possible.

Read. Research better. Read it all.

Of course I can't leave out the good one from some guy named Rodger Jacobs:
I'll make sure your heavy-handed censorship gets a comment or two at my site. You ought to learn to appreciate and grow from dissenting opinions.

and Bill Roberts simply wrote:
May you have an interesting life.

I posted these here in case she continues to play tyrant dictator, which she can since it's her little show.
It's funny.

Chuck must be from here, since he posted this comment on the Bukowski rant and on her about me post.
Chuck wrote:
Look, you'll be a writer when it's no longer I - I - I, Me - Me - Me. You're sounding self-obsessed and you're spinning your wheels, driving yourself crazy. You don't become a writer by trashing a famous poet whose acclaim is well-deserved. But it's possible you could become a writer. For your blog to have any value, you need to stop censoring the comment section, because it's starting to get around the internet that you are. Start learning from those who post with a contrary opinion. They might have your best interest at heart. -C

Thank you Chuck, good job on that. I think she got the message and she'll be better for it.

Imagine this: If this happened in the 70s and she wrote to him. The old silver tongued fox would've won her susceptible young heart, with her chest full of words. No,really she is too full of herself and he would have picked up on that too.
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awwww yah she's just a kid. i'm sure when she wrote this she had no idea this place was here or that anyone but her friends would even see it.

it's one of the reasons i'm glad there was no internet when i was a kid. there's no way in hell i would have wanted such a potentially large number of people to be able to access the things i wrote then. i mean, it's bad enough now. but then? no thank you.

who knows what she'll be writing in ten years.
but that's the thing. if you don't want criticism or people to see what you write, then don't post your writings on the WORLD WIDE WEB. when you talk shit about something you obviously know nothing about, do so in your little pink diary under your pillow. if i was to post criticism about shakespeare(someone i know little to nothing about) on my "blog", then i better be ready to do battle with shakespeare scholars.....
yah, but that's the thing. she probably didn't realize anyone but her friends read her blog. and she may not really be old enough to have shed that arrogant 'i know everything' perspective on the world. she'll shed that in years to come. this might make her shed it a little faster.

i'm just saying she's young. she's entitled to young people mistakes. we all made them. the cool thing is that we didn't have a blog handy to post them on, so no one can hold us to it.
awwww yah she's just a kid. i'm sure when she wrote this she had no idea this place was here or that anyone but her friends would even see it. (Snip...Snip...)

Just a kid? Just a kid with a Masters Degree. She's old enough and tough enough (maybe even rich enough) to take it. Hell, she writes that she's just been in Bosnia. Hillary Clinton was dodging sniper fire over there.;)

...and she called him a "son of a bitch."

Somebody out there loves her like .
i agree with vodka, and i really don't think it's cool to have an entire thread devoted to semi-bullying/belittling some poor kid. she might be naive, a little arrogant or whatever, but she's not hurting anyone with her blog. god, if we had a thread dedicated to everyone who wrote some lazy criticism of bukowski this site would be overflowing with it.

and i'm really not thrilled with the idea that if someone googles her name, they'll find this thread almost immediately. if no one is going to delete this thread, at least google-proof it so her name isn't involved?
Masters degree or not, she's still young, still learning. Her Buk entry was the first after her Bosnia experience. I'm reminded of a Capt. Willard quote from Apocalypse Now.

"Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx shithole. Light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head."

A little constructive criticism may help enlighten her. Or not. Has anybody invited her over here to the forum?
she has a BA, gave up on graduate studies (according to her bio).

she has an uninformed opinion which I think is wrong. again, so what? let it go. forget about it. move on.

and get rid of her name here. we're starting to come across like witch hunters.
She has read Bukowski. She liked something that he
wrote, and it seems her only justification for calling
him an asshole was because she liked the poem.

It's a popular opinion, I understand.

This is part of Bukowski's legacy.

As a historical document, this thread is valid.
I recall when a young woman I will call Wodka, whom I have known for quite some time, made similar silly statements in an online public forum for writers. She has since grown up as will our friend with the orange in her mouth. All's cool.
Bukowski is himself being dull, boring, unoriginal, and very, very pretentious.

This is some of the strangest critisism of bukowski's work i've ever read. Of all the things you could say about the man and his work he most definitely was not unoriginal and I'm not sure what her understanding of the word "pretentious" is But as far as i'm concerned there has never been a less pretentious writer/Poet than bukowski. as for her point about Bukowski being an elitist i think that is a way of base. Bukowski strongly believed that poetry should be a thing of the people and not the property of a small select few. she also got the name of her peice from a song by the band "modest mouse" which contains the lines ( refering to Bukowski)
god, who'd wanna be such an asshole?
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i agree with vodka, and i really don't think it's cool to have an entire thread devoted to semi-bullying/belittling some poor kid.

and i'm really not thrilled with the idea that if someone googles her name, they'll find this thread almost immediately. if no one is going to delete this thread, at least google-proof it so her name isn't involved?
As someone who has been taking shit online for my opinions since Ms. L was 9 or 10 years old, I have mixed feelings about this.

24 or 25 is not that young, and when you post something with that much piss and vinegar in it, I think you have to accept any backlash that comes your way.

I didn't find her blog, Google alerts did. They served it up to me and I served it up to you. I am not sure she needs to be protected, but I have removed her name and a comment or two from this thread that make reference to her appearance.

But the criticism of her post is valid.
I recall when a young woman I will call Wodka, whom I have known for quite some time, made similar silly statements in an online public forum for writers. She has since grown up as will our friend with the orange in her mouth. All's cool.

pfft. i was just a baby when i started posting there. i had no idea what i was doing. i had just started writing again after like an eight year hiatus. i was in no way ready for y'all. i had never even used the internet for anything. it was good for me though. i got a thick skin quick and learned about nasty internet men straight away. specially you, nasty man. ;)

look at me now. i could do an ad for virginia slims.

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