A Trainride in Hell - Evidence #9, 1965 (1 Viewer)


Founding member
Yes, I know, I should go through my files more often than I do...

Now talk about rhythm here! GO GO GO GO GO! Yay!

And, most importantly, take note of the Lyle Stuart street address in the last page. As the myth goes, he has hundreds of copies rotting away somewhere in a forgotten warehouse. You should write to him and ask him to send you a copy of Crucifix for $7.50.

This one made me smile when I heard it on the 'At Terror Street' CD.

Yes you should go through your files much more often :D

The beauty of the internet is that these need never rot away in some wharehouse
somewhere. Molding, forgotten, and gone forever.
And, most importantly, take note of the Lyle Stuart street address in the last page. As the myth goes, he has hundreds of copies rotting away somewhere in a forgotten warehouse. You should write to him and ask him to send you a copy of Crucifix for $7.50.
Lyle Stuart died last year, but long before that he moved his operation to New Jersey and renamed it Barricade Books. He published a lot of wild shit, Anarchist's cookbook, The Turner Diaries (supposedly inspired the lunatics who did the Oklahoma City bombing), an unauthorized L.Ron Hubbard biography (very impressive considering the lengths Scientologists will go to to "discourage" people from saying or publishing anything negative about the cult or its founder) - he was a businessman, and would have long ago sold any back stock he had that was of any value.

Someone (who? sorry I don't remember) told me years ago that there were stacks of Crucifix available at one time in the late 70's or early 80's for a remainder price of $4 a copy, and that was the end of the "new old stock." So yeah, whoever snatched those up made out pretty well, but I wouldn't go to Barricade looking for copies.
...he moved his operation to New Jersey and renamed it Barricade Books.
I was just told that he actually sold Lyle Stuart Inc. and then started Barricade Books. So there you go. An interesting guy, any way you look at it.

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