She loves all kinds of music. She learned to skat in the 4th grade! She fell in love with The Beatles after seeing Across The Universe.
Let it Be is killer in that movie.
Watching it right now. Fucking killer.
She loves all kinds of music. She learned to skat in the 4th grade! She fell in love with The Beatles after seeing Across The Universe.
Amazing like one of those "all-star" rock and roll hall of fame concerts where a bunch of people sing songs they will never have the talent to write themselves?Across the Universe was an amazing film.
Amazing like one of those "all-star" rock and roll hall of fame concerts where a bunch of people sing songs they will never have the talent to write themselves?
No thanks.
I got douche chills just seeing 20 seconds of the trailer for that monstrosity. But you know, to each his own. ;)
Yeah, that's true, they are.If you go by that theory, all musicals are trash.
I just hate it when everyone's having a shitty day\week\life and then starts singing about how bad it all is... I'd rather watch 'em... I dunno, beat their kids or something.
What about "West Side Story"? Just out of curiosity, is it considered to be a musical?
Are you available to babysit?
My kids like it when I read Kafka to them.
Fuck, how did I forget that? Okay, Bukowsical! and Sarafina!personally, this is about as good as it gets for musicals...
There isn't much of a Sweeney Todd hype around here
Yeah, let's walk around naked! But no, I'm in the wrong place, it's too cold here, fuck. :) yes, it was the same with Nirvana. DISGUSTING !
and I agree: operas suck. :mad:
Hate? That's a pretty strong verb.Here's a dumbass personal contradiction that I can't justify but feel compelled to share with the class anyway : I ENJOY MUSICALS BUT HATE OPERA.
Same with me - rainy Saturday afternoons watching the matinee on BBC2.Singing In The Rain reminds me of my childhood, I've seen it on tv during summer break.