Another Chance (1 Viewer)



Off to the big city tomorrow, to meet with another part-time job BOSS. This guy dislikes me even more than last week's BOSS. Any Bukowski quotes I should utter? I mean, something that will make me lose a second part-time job in a week.
"I believe in earning one's own way
but I also believe in the unexpected gift.

I have no shame."

from What Matters Most Is How Well You Walk Throught The Fire"
if you want to keep the job
you could qoute buk 'we were not put here to enjoy easy days and easy nights' from FLOWERS AT LAST
i think you should start a goal to get fired from 100 jobs in calendar-year 2008. imagine the stories you'd have!
Thanks for the tips. As it turned out, THE BOSS walked into the room I was in, stopped dead in his tracks and glared at me as I was sitting down reading a newspaper. Loudly rustling the pages, I buried my head deeper into the paper. THE BOSS stalked out. End of story.

I've got about 15 part-time jobs in total. One more, one less. Meh.
O.K. Mullinax, I give up. What do you do? Do you do all of it in Japan? Or are you super sonic commuter? Maybe you are very good at fiction. I mean what do you do besides piss off the boss?
I Yam What I Yam And That's What I Yam

O.K. Mullinax, I give up. What do you do? Do you do all of it in Japan? Or are you super sonic commuter? Maybe you are very good at fiction. I mean what do you do besides piss off the boss?

Translate, proofread, copywrite, transcribe, subtitle, narrate. I have about 6 part-time jobs in this field alone. Travel a lot, expense accounts do not cover cigars- the bastards!

I work in a number of other fields, some of which would astound many people and revealing them here might lead to bitter accusations, disbelief, insults, threats, tears and lamentations. So I'll pass.

So much for me?
How about you people?

Trust-fund babies?
IT types?
Office workers?
KINKO'S punks?
Wards of the State?
Unemployed writers?
Confidence men?
Bunko artists?
Still living with your parents at the age of 27 on Longwood Avenue?
So, lemme see. It's 15:15 here, January 22nd, a Tuesday. It must be about 10:00 P.M. Monday night, January 21st, over there. Sound right to you?
I work in a number of other fields, some of which would astound many people and revealing them here might lead to bitter accusations, disbelief, insults, threats, tears and lamentations. So I'll pass.

get over yourself. seriously. i know you profess that you never take yourself seriously, this is all in jest, you're making fun of yourself, blah blah blah... get over yourself.

in answer to your question, i work in operations and product development for a manufacturer of first aid and survival equipment.
And here's a sample of a JOB that came in about 10 minutes ago. Some words have been cleverly disguised.

Produits %%%%transformés**Graisse) [d'oie] {filtrée} ?ou? /conserve/
Confits ##de## cuisses @@##$$%%^&& canard...
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And here's a sample of a JOB that came in about 10 minutes ago. Some words have been cleverly disguised.

Produits %%%%transformés**Graisse) [d'oie] {filtrée} ?ou? /conserve/
Confits ##de## cuisses @@##$$%%^&& canard...

Oh. You work for MySpace.
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get over yourself. seriously. i know you profess that you never take yourself seriously, this is all in jest, you're making fun of yourself, blah blah blah... get over yourself.

in answer to your question, i work in operations and product development for a manufacturer of first aid and survival equipment.

Ok. That's fine. Whatever gets the rent.

I'm a BUM and do absolutely nothing of any importance whatsoever. That's my real JOB.

See what I mean? Tears and lamentations already!
O.K. I asked you and you answered. I sell used trailers and motorhomes. Many of the buyers live in them. I have been selling -mostly used cars- for thirty years.
Can you imagine buying a used car from a guy named Haight. That is pronounced HATE.
I thought of "the Haight" as well.

Father Luke: bring me up to speed here because my California guidebooks don't say much beyond Marin County, the Napa valley and Compton.

I'd like a complete socio-cultural-architectural-clitorical-pharmaceutical history of Haight-Ashbury from its beginnings until August of 2007.

Thanks a heap!

(Was the photo taken in the 60s? Love those cars.)
Get your kicks on Route 66.

O.K. I asked you and you answered. I sell used trailers and motorhomes. Many of the buyers live in them. I have been selling -mostly used cars- for thirty years.
Can you imagine buying a used car from a guy named Haight. That is pronounced HATE.

Wonderful. I've always dreamed of RVing my way across America, spreading the Line, the Word, and the Way (and some discord) everywhere I go.
Wonderful. I've always dreamed of RVing my way across America, spreading the Line, the Word, and the Way (and some discord) everywhere I go.
Mullinax, Why any discord? You should love like Haight. In answer to those of you that pointed to Haight St. San Francisco I am probably More related to David B Haight Church of Jesus Christ of the Later day Saints a.k.a. Mormons. I am not a member. or of the hair club Mulli.;) I am assuming you took that nick name because of his nickname.

Who gives a damn about the writer's strike when we have Father Luke ! :)
Yes, but he may be crossing a picket line or is being a scab right now.
Legacy Of The Hippies - Enough To Make One A Cynic

Mullinax, Why any discord? You should love like Haight. In answer to those of you that pointed to Haight St. San Francisco, I am probably more related to the David B Haight Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a.k.a. Mormons. I am not a member. Or of the hair club Mulli.;) I am assuming you took that nick name because of his nickname.

Discord is needed in order to stir things up. Surely you know that it's a typical Bukowski theme. What would you rather have - a knitting circle in Topeka, Kansas?

Mormon Churches are named after individuals?

My 'handle' comes from Hank's boyhood pal, Willam (BALDY) Mullinax, cleverly disguised as Eli (BALDY) LaCross in HAM ON RYE.

Is it true that after the 'Summer of Love' the Haight descended into a DOA drug-induced hellhole of violence, death, insanity, poverty and total hipster bullshit, proving that the entire 'Peace and Love, Groovy Daddy-O, Turn On, Tune Out' generation was worthless, as Bukowski himself wrote: ?


(or something like that)

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