Lolita Twist
Ok. So, if we work under the theory that, let's say, Love Is A Perspective... or rather, one doesn't love a person, but rather, one loves one's own perception of said person. Why did Buk love Jane so much, why did she haunt him so? Why was he drawn to her, and doesn't it seem like he's almost obsessed? It all depends on the way you read into his stuff I guess (the poetry and short stories), but it seems to me she is a re-occuring character in his poems (evidently the ones with her name in the title, not to mention the one in German: Jane Icin) and short stories. I still to this day think The Most Beautiful Woman In Town is a scrambled version of events about his relationship with Jane. So, from either a psychological point of view or not - why Buk and Jane? Maybe - what events in his life triggered him to be so attached and attracted to this particular woman, or was she just there at the right place and time? Discussion time.