Hi I'm another new guy. My name is Dave. I've been checking out the website for a few years now. I've decided to join it at last. I too like Charles Bukowski and have reading his stuff for a while now. I have The Last Night Of The Earth Poems and Living On Luck. Both of these are Black Sparrow Press editions. I also have a couple of Bukowski Cd's as well. Why do I like him? Because he wrote about the hard luck that he went through in his life and wasn't ashamed of it. I wish I had know about him during his lifetime. I would certainly wrote to him. But reading his work is just as good too. I do have a chapbook in which I wrote a poem to him as a tribute to Bukowski. I like this site very much. I check it out every so often to see what's going on here. I will be posting too. Thanks Dave