As Buddha Smiles (1 Viewer)


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As I was making a search for "Fencing with the Shadows", I came across this item, pub. in 2003 and sold out right away.

Anybody here care to list the contents and the cover?
That's a Billy Roberts project, super short poems and excerpts printed on business card-sized pages. I haven't seen it, but it comes up on eBay now and then.
For anyone interested in buying a copy of this, check with Jeff Maser or Waterrow Books. They may have a few left. If not, please let me know and I'll find you a copy. I know someone who bought a couple and may be willing to part with one....

good little poems, better than I hoped for given it is archive material not published during B's life, and they hang together well as a group. A nice little package, beautifully designed and printed by Bill Roberts. It's got a tiny wrap around band holding the cards (mini-broadsides) together. A cool item. Glad I forked out the $50 issue price for it.
This is my arm after pulling that lever on the Kelsey that I printed "as Buddha smiles" on. It was then that I decided that I needed a much larger press. One that would let the flywheel and 1200 lbs of cast iron take the brunt of that force...

Nice, eh? After I finished the production, I needed surgery to repair my wrist. Sufferin' for the art!


damn, shoulda charged $52 instead of $50 for them...
seriously, that's a nasty looking piece of work. I once sprained a pinky pounding on my keyboard in frustration over a poem that wouldn't come out right. somehow I don't think our injuries compare.
btw...someone have a pic of Bill's Buddha package? I'd like to see it...
YEah, $52 would of helped with the insurance deductable! HEre are the lettered and numbered fronts; I'll splay a copy and photograph it in a bit...


Hi Henrychinaski,
I'd say to order one from Jeff Maser through Abe...

I'm waiting to hear how many he has to see if he has more than one...

www/ is the place to find it. Search on Bukowski with title "smiles"

I'm sure that there are hundreds of Kelsey users with similar stories of injury... Still. The end product is worth it. Is that what you printed the poem that you set directly into the stick with?

Yes. I later learned the trick of dampening the paper to make a darker, more even impression. Had I been doing that I wouldn't have been leaning on the press so hard. But that was a big area of type for that little 5x7 press to print. I knew I was pushing it, so I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised.
Jeff Maser has three copies left. He can be contacted at [email protected]. They are probably all numbered copies. I may also know someone that has a lettered for sale....

Those interested should contact Jeff soon as once these are gone, they are gone and I don't know of any more out there...

Just a heads up.

All better now that I have a Chandler & Price press and the flywheel does all of the impression work. All I have to do is feed the pages one at a time... Of course, it is pocssible to lose a finger if you are not careful....

For anyone interested... I have located a lettered copy of "as Buddha smiles". It was limited to only 26 lettered with a velvet wrap around band. This one is being offered by none other than Ann Menebroker. The price is $125. The published price for the lettered was $75 and it sold out well in advance of publication. If anyone is interested, please contact me at [email protected] and I'll put you in contact with her....

I'm not making any money on the sale of this, just trying to put buyers and sellers together....


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