Best line from the forums? (1 Viewer)

Read any decent responses here lately? :eek:

Why not share 'em with me/us?

This could be fun. No rules; profanity appreciated: JK.
Keep it to one liners, if possible.
And no prior line (qualification of line/response) necessary.

Here are two, scribed by none-other than the Bruce Springsteen of BUKnet.

mjp to Garret: Sayonara, cocksucker.

mjp to homeless mind: When you argue with pirates, you get the cutlass!

I'm gonna dig up some more, feel free to (duh from me to me) add to the list...
Here's a recent one by mjp that had me laughing out loud. I suspect this thread is going to highlight a lot of his finest work.

""I SCRIBBLER" was there, wearing a cape and an orthopedic brace."
There are lots of gems in the Beatles V Stones thread.

Here's one that needs to be on this list. mjp to yours truly.

"The lyrics to Stairway to Heaven? Please. They are random crap at best. Not to mention impenetrable in spots to most of the American kids who made them millionaires (a bustle in your hedgerow? Fuck you!)."

And I say, "Brandy, fetch another round..."
The Lyrics Vs. Poetry Discussion

Purple Stickpin's response to a query about Bob Dylan, and, er, poetry vs. lyrics.

This one is white hot.

"A good many of Dylan's lyrics are far, far, far, far better than poetry. Better than even the fucking concept of poetry."
Is there a forum thread for the best one-liners on the website? If not, I nominate
"You have not joined an effete cathedral of intellectualism, neocolonialism and organic watercress on hand made artisan bread." (mjp August 23, 2011)​
Honestly, that deserves to be nominated for sentence of the year at the NYTIMES 6th floor blog.​
Any other gems that you would recommend?​
Ski has the best, subtle one-liners on here right now. My favorite was the Faktotum jods thread. "Sorry. Not my job man." So beautifully faktotum... especially if you ever worked with a union.
this is the stupidest, most dumbass thread of all time.

mods should ban whoever revived it or replied to it...
Not so fast. We need to look ahead as much as behind. There may be a time when an astounding zinger or brilliant bon mots kneecaps a neophyte or hobbles a half assed inquiry or there may be a day when a sentence so obviously stupid and self aggrandizing appears that it deserves to be added to this this one has
If we start deleting all the threads that one or two of us find stupid or useless, there isn't going to be much left.

No thread has ever been deleted, and I'd like to keep it that way. Personally, I don't like forums that are heavily edited and where things just disappear on someone's whim. If I say something idiotic, well, that's too bad. It's going to stay there. Believe me, there are old posts of mine here that make me cringe, but I resist the urge to delete them. It seems dishonest.

If someone wants something deleted because it contains personal information or they had second thoughts about something they said, we'll do that, but it's still not deleted deleted. It goes to an archive forum that only moderators can see. Same with garbage posts by trolls and people just trying to disrupt. They're all still here, you just don't have to deal with them.

Other than that kind of thing though, I think everything should stand, whether it's important or not.
No thread has ever been deleted, and I'd like to keep it that way. Personally, I don't like forums that are heavily edited and where things just disappear on someone's whim.

If someone wants something deleted because it contains personal information or they had second thoughts about something they said, we'll do that, but it's still not deleted deleted.
I appreciate this approach, MJP. If only our elected officials and others in positions of real power (not to take anything away from you vis-a-vis this forum, but you know what I mean) would take the same approach....oh, never mind. Back to the topic at hand: Your transparency and consistency is very much appreciated.
If we start deleting all the threads that one or two of us find stupid or useless, there isn't going to be much left.
No thread has ever been deleted, ...] [...If I say something idiotic, well, that's too bad. It's going to stay there. Believe me, there are old posts of mine here that make me cringe, but I resist the urge to delete them...]
Other than that kind of thing though, I think everything should stand, whether it's important or not.

I agree with that, however I have had a post deleted, can't remember the thread, but in the post I may have called Pogue a genius:)... because he said Words Hurt (and they do) however the post may have been deleted on the grounds of a momentary lapse of reason on my part. I don't know.
But censorship and bias should be avoided.
coincidentally, i wanted to delete my post in this thread - but i agree with the "you post it you own it" approach.


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