Bit of a stretch but... (1 Viewer)
I have become fascinated with this mess of a site.

For an "astrologer" she cannot spell:

Gemeni she spells Gimini (at least twice),

Rare she spells rear.

Just fascinating, really. You would think that one of her psychic dogs would have told her how to spell these things.


Also, she writes dates Day / Month / Year. I know that most of the world does this (and it makes more sense than the way that we do it) and it is only the Americans that do it month / day year, but I always thought that for an American to do this strikes of pomposity. Kinda like Madonna's fake British accent. Of course, her parents were French socialites, so many she really was born more important than the rest of us...

I hear he's a part time mystic. Still, point taken :D
A rumpology, huh? $125? In many parts of this country you can probably get one of those for a used Madonna CD and a small bottle of Polo. :D
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What's next? - Dickology? Pussyology? Send a print and $125...:rolleyes:
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I do pussyology for $100 per pussy print. Half off for in-person consultations.
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It depends on how deep the lines, crevices and folds are, and I believe sagging assess are extra...:D
This explains the "SREET" label on the clamshell. Bill wasn't being a perfectionist when it came to details; it's an independent, synchronistic typo -- a typo all it's own.
Also, she writes dates Day / Month / Year. I know that most of the world does this (and it makes more sense than the way that we do it) and it is only the Americans that do it month / day year, but I always thought that for an American to do this strikes of pomposity. Kinda like Madonna's fake British accent.

i think it makes more sense...its seriously fucking confusing when you get an email with dates included from American folk...


'Dear Blah,
I'm arriving on the 12/10/08


American friend'

and shit...I'm standing in the airport for 2 months....

(not a true to life example i must admit)
... See, we do SOME things right.

you're right!
Did you know, that when 'Mc Donald's' started in Germany, we DID have the 'quarterpounder'!?! - [the word was 'Viertelpfünder', which is the accurate translation.]

That was in the very early 80s. We didn't have a McDonalds at my hometown then and when I was visiting my dad in Erlangen (where there Was a McDonalds) it was a highlight for me to go there.

Well, around the mid-80s they RE-named the 'quarterpounder' to the (due to Pulp-Fiction infamous) 'Royal [with cheese]'.
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the Quarter-Pounder, tasty as it is, is a cookie. Whoppers taste better and have more mass. And now they've got a Triple Whopper - for those who can handle it.
I think that it is a way of fucking with other people. They will never change it, just like Metric, it is not American...
Hee Hee! I used to hate when my kids came home from grade school with metric homework. I'd bitch and ask WHY?! It hasn't 'caught' on in 50+ years, why the fuck do they keep trying to make us use it?
There's an old 1970's bookmark/ruler hanging on the wall at my job that has a picture of a hotdog, and written below it, "MAKE MINE METRIC!" CRB:)


its really not something i get... I've been stuck between using the queens measurements (thanks england!) and the screwed up Irish measurements plus now all our road signs have been changed European metrics and i still talk in miles per hour....


life is complicated...

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