blood sausage (1 Viewer)

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ok..first post..sorry for the delay..woman trouble..i was born in 48...discovered BUK in all his stuff and ya know how that helps!...i get a sense of "unoriginal macho energy "on ya gotta be witty an all..hope im wrong..often am..this is the great place for loosers like me thanks fa havein me ..please excuse my typer and spellin mistakes ete...only recently got on board the ship o fools(cy space).hope to get better..and remember.."the legs go last!"...soon..blind boy...
Welcome to the forum, Richard! - Yes, your senses are wrong! You don't have to be witty here. It's up to the individuel, of course. We have lots of serious discussions too...
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yeah, where???

this is one of the last places you'll find ridiculous macho behaviour (at least amongst the regulars).

but oh - you do have to be witty to post here. it's the rules.
If you all don't stop being so witty, I'm gonna kick all your asses.


That doesn't sound nearly as witty as I had intended.
I like to heckle Father Luke while he sings opera.
Although he demands that I'm nude.
Is that macho?
Probably. Apparently the standards for macho are pretty loose...
I am unoriginal...very macho...but have little energy...oh well 2 out of 3 ain't bad...why am I hyphening aint?..oh...ah...welcome...
ok i screwed up..

oh dear me! I got excited and tried to be clever or somethin..i dont know..but you are dead right ,I should not have insulted you all an im sorry..ok ,thats out the way..let me just say this one thing though..a lot of people in one place makes me nerves hurt..i cant help that now can I? what Iwill do is read aroud the forum and get the feel of the place..and try to say summet inererstin!
any one into d.h. lawrence?..his birth place is close by here..later..Rich..
oh, you're funny.

mr boyle, jordan wants you to know that's he so not macho, he reads gertrude stein to his houseplants while wearing nothing but pink panties.
jesus crhist!now I have to mention lawrence..this is a lesson in servival for me,what is it why am I??
What about Patrick Kavanagh? I recon Hank woulda dug him...I wonder if he ever read him?
I am not sure how to repley to people that are talkin to me personaly on the posts,is it here or ?Can any one help me? Later..Rich
I am not sure how to repley to people that are talkin to me personaly on the posts,is it here or ?Can any one help me?

click on their name over to the left

< - -

you will see it. it is underlined. maybe it is red or maybe it is black.

when you click,
you will see things:

1.) their name
2.) view public profile
3.) send a private message to...

click number three
jesus crhist!now I have to mention lawrence..this is a lesson in servival for me,what is it why am I??
You might be taking it all a bit too seriously. It could be worse, you could have posted a hello thread and had no responses (though that has never happened). Then you would know you were doing something wrong. This is just par for the course. Don't take anything here personally.

You know, unless people start cursing you by name.
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