bukowski said somewhere (probably many times).." Ive drank more than the first fifty (hundred?) people you meet on the street"
Probably, like the rest of the sots out there, damn near anything was good as long as it kept the angels away.
What on earth would give you that idea?i think alcohol is a way of life for him.
Bukowsk, in fact, drank very little, didn't cuss and was an all around upstanding citizen.
You think he was being literal? What a bladder! What a liver! haha! j/k
I was just reading a story in the paper about a young man who worked in a Pub in Edinburgh, and after work with his colleagues, he drank down 11pints. They took him home in their car, he couldn't walk and was totally incomunicado. They left him to sleep it off in the car. The next day, they went to get him, he was dead.
Bukowski did drink as lot, so friends and associates report: wine and beer. predominantly i think.
...and hated cats, shunned horse racing........
I get the feeling that some of you are being sarcastic...Bukowski would not have appreciated that.
It did work for me ( after I checked out you other postings)
But you know, those Danes...
He always wore a suit and tie. Shoes impeccably shined. Kept his distance from freaks and troubled women. Was a registred voter and voted republican. Teetotaller. Loved watching tv.A steady worker - always loved his job, his second home.
Either way, I don't really think it matters one bit whether he was a booze-hound or wasn't. (Not saying I thought any of you really did) I think we should all just take the art and genious that he gave us and forget about all the "bad" parts. That should go for all artists in general, Id say. I don't care how long they permit themselves to live or create.