bukowski.net fan mail (1 Viewer)


Founding member
Lots of fan mail in the inbox these days. I tell you, this success is going to go to my head! The last one is from a guy who registered to post spam.


Steven Bailey
[email protected]

I find it a poor irony that a site dedicated to an important writer would include such a witless and saccharine introduction. Most people who are serious about reading Bukowski don't want to be distracted by the pop vernacular of dumb, camp nerds.

Give us a sincere introduction.


Where do you get your irony from... an elephant?!


[email protected]

please stop this website, it does not do bukowski any good. full stop. im sure you agree.


Barry Cross
[email protected]

I found Buk.net registed just to have a look then recieved a message saying why have'nt i posted anything yet, so i did .

this morning i logg on to find that i've been banned for life. what a fucking joke. you people must think you really are something special Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I think that guy was banned for whatever he actually posted!

you don't get banned if you don't post! that would be way too surreal :D
Ha - it's interesting to see what people choose to read.

You might notice that in my intro to the emails I said, "The last one is from a guy who registered to post spam." Banning people who didn't post would be a bit counter-productive, wouldn't it.

Very few people have been banned. And only one of them was not a spammer.
That's from a movie... I can only think of Wrath of Khan, but I'm sure that's not it.

Actually, that is a line made famous by George C. Scott from the film "Patton" wherein he says, "Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book" when he has just predicted how Rommel would attack the allied forces.

I have seen every movie made during the last 300 years.

Thank you, my good man---a gentleman and a scholar. I think "The Magnificent Bastards" would make a good name for a hard rock group, No?

I like it,

Or a good domain name. Unfortunately they are all registered.

The .org only two days ago...must be some magnificent bastard vibes traveling the world:

Created On: 14-Oct-2006
Actually, that is a line made famous by George C. Scott from the film "Patton" wherein he says, "Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book" when he has just predicted how Rommel would attack the allied forces.

I have seen every movie made during the last 300 years.

I actually figured it out a couple hours after making that post. I've seen Patton about 10 times in the last year (and wrote a paper on it for my composition class).

Also, you neglected to mention that it wasn't Rommel leading the attack on that particular occasion.
Here's another. Apparently I didn't answer his email, though it would have been difficult to answer him, since he gave a nonsense email address...

Subject: Your Dick
Bill Lee <[email protected]> to me
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 17:26:59 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for answering my fucking email, dickweed!

Lots of fan mail in the inbox these days. I tell you, this success is going to go to my head! The last one is from a guy who registered to post spam.

. . . .

Barry Cross
[email protected]

I found Buk.net registed just to have a look then recieved a message saying why have'nt i posted anything yet, so i did .

this morning i logg on to find that i've been banned for life. what a fucking joke. you people must think you really are something special Fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi mjp,

No fuck you from me, but I did feel a little hung out to dry when I responded to an auto-mailer (or what appeared to be an auto-mailer) I thought came from a real person after I'd been away for a couple of weeks. And I wrote a reply not realizing that at the time. I felt a little foolish. I caught on after I saw the same exact auto-reply sent to someone else except for the robot substitution of another name. I was disappointed because I felt that something as artificial as that was contrary to the spirit of Bukowski and this generally excellent newsgroup. If someone doesn't reply for awhile, I feel there is something going on and they'll turn up again if they have more to say, without any need to stimulate postings through such artificial, mechanical means. Speaking just for myself, I'd like to see the plug pulled on these robot responders and receive a personal note of interest from you, or some other real human being, to say your posts are welcomed here or you've been missed"”if that's actually the case. If not, the group is probably better off without these participants anyway. In any event, best wishes and thanks for an overall fine newsgroup.

Sincerely, Poptop

PS. Well, I'm sticking my neck out again. . . but I wouldn't mind seeing the B forum introduction revised, expanded, or updated, because I feel it's perhaps not the best reflection of your true talent as a writer or curator of Bukowski's amazing legacy. I've read some tremendous things you've done"”such as your excellent write-up of Bukowski at the Huntington"”and the current intro is lighthearted with some flashes of humor, but it doesn't reflect your depth of appreciation that might be of interest to both the novice and expert reader of the B. (If you proceed on this, I'm sure others would be glad to give you some feedback before you make it official.)

Anyway, I hope there's no hard feelings about any of this, because I hold your efforts in high regard and have enjoyed making a genuine ass of myself, even without being prompted by Mr. Robot. At least there I didn't have to worry about stepping on all the sensitive feelings in the world and mine.

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I say that the forum is perfect as it is. I thknk that this is the envy of other forums.

Just my vote...


p.s. I have never been e-mailed by a robot. maybe a good thing!
Yeah, there's no email that goes out, except on your birthday, if you've provided it.

I think what poptop is talking about is a box at the top of the forum that will show up if you've never posted, or if you haven't posted for a couple of weeks. Those kinds of things are effective, whether they are annoying or not. We probably don't need them anymore, but it's a way to keep things rolling.

We're in a kind of second wave of active users now, and I think that's great. I hope this continues on with new people finding it all the time. New blood is the only way to sustain a forum, and I know some of you who have been around since day one get tired of seeing the same questions repeated, but it's a small price to pay to keep the interest alive. I don't blame someone for not digging through every post, and the search feature isn't exactly super accurate and comprehensive, so...

As for the blurb on the index page of the site, it is what it is. I typed it out quickly the day I moved the site and it will probably change one day. It almost changed the other day, but then I was distracted by something bright and shiny.
Its just a funny little saying at the top- nothing to take personal. In fact it made me want to post....:)
I would think that a personal note- is kind of.....personal? I don't know, that's me, I would think someones checking up on me.
This is a great forum, and one of the only true ones to Buk out there.
Hmmm.. perhaps not as good as expected.
I'll try harder this year, well maybe.
You weren't singled out, the mail from the server has been dodgy, which is one of the reasons we'll be moving to a new server soon.
Well, I didn't get one :(

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear hankie
happy birthday to you

I suppose you're working very hard on buknet. Sometimes people forget this and want more and more.
I read enough glossy magazines in my life. Black and white rules;)
You are user 228, that's first wave. Around the time Factotum came out we got a lot of new users. I guess that's the second wave. But they continue to come in pretty steadily now, so it's no longer waves, just tides.

I could be a poet with these compelling similes.

Here are more pearls of wisdom from the mailbag:


I caught something briefly on the news last night...something about kids getting high by doing something with "Incense"..do you know anything about this, if so please inform me via my email address. I have foster kids that are teenagers and need to keep up with this stuff...Thank you...MJ


Please allow me on this forum -- I promise I will not say anything -- just like to click on the links and see something -- If I post anything they delete me.


what do u think bukowski would said about this site?


im sorry no speak english, yes spanish i want more information thank you


What I have to say here is useless


recently while listening to a audio cd of charles bukowski reading his poetry I was stunned at how much rhythm there was in the poems(I was strumming my guitar by chance whilst listening).
I immediatelly recorded the idea in my own 16 track studio,I have completed a further four poems since.
You have to hear them,they are absolutely beautiful,its as if he had read his poems to a metronome! If you want to hear these recordings I will gladly send you a cd of all five poems.
I am a experienced musician and in my humble opinion these ecordings are so cool they could be used for either short films or even an audio cd to bring bukowski's work to an even greater audience in the music world.
It would be great if linda lee bukowski could hear them and I would be gracious enough to respect her opinions on the recordings,
hope to hear from you,
Jeff Bell


so which one of you decides what e mails we're going to entertain? correspondence is key to the entire human race being semi-normal,you know communication?fuck what he would say what do you ?this is not your web site to ponce over like some english duke ,so completely out of touch,it's bukowski we're celebrating and fuck him anyway.i just want the goddam info to get a copy of the picture,right?so now,now tell me,compiler, unless you are the beaurocrat i'm sensing you are,where,how,now


Whoever banned me is a faggot that has to live in a dreamworld probably because he is to scared of the real world.


Yesterday my friends and I were hanging around the poetry section at barnes and noble, and i think it was fate the second I randomly pulled one of your poetry books out. "You Get So Alone at Times That It Just Makes Sense." After reading some of it and some from your website, I am going back today to buy the book. I reallyyy enjoy your poetry. :)


Dear Mr. Bukowski,
I'm journalist in best selling magazine in Republic of Macedonia, weekly "Tea Moderna. Seen now I have make interviews with many famous people like; Anja Garbarek, rock photograph Fin Costello, coposer Gabriel Yared, Ryuichi Sakamoto, William Orbit, writer Milorad Pavic... and many... It would be great pleasure for me if you accept this interview. Your are very famous here in Macedonia. Yes, I now, we are small country, but we are very art-loving
Hope for positive reply


Send me back a reply and then we will start a dialoge, I love his work and his poems hurt so good, I live in the sticks and he lived in the city I read his book by accident one day at the library at the university it was great,what more is there to say send me an e mail back the same way i cased it or it won't work for some reason


so the twins beat me for a bit

and they hurt, shit, if ya catch one of the nipples in an eye, well, scary

she has no idea of the great B

so many don't

see ya on the flipside bud

do something cool before the kickoff

like maybe shaving

ya stupid fuck
[email protected]

please stop this website, it does not do bukowski any good. full stop. im sure you agree.

Some do
some say how they could do better....but don't
Reminds me of a great line in a song by Jane Siberry
I'd probably be famous now if I wasn't such a good waitress
Cheque please Torbin
What's the name of the site? I would like to have a look. bluesteelmedia.com is just a seller of domains...
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I don't know if Torben has a site. I think he just needed to get that off his chest. The subject line for Torben's email, by the way, was "your blog." I didn't realize that we had a blog here. Maybe Torben thinks every web site is a blog.

You could call and ask him:
Torben Andersen
ph: +47 47246853

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