What a bunch of cranky field mice...
Well we had to look at that awful painting over and over. That would make anyone "cranky."
What dull, typical shit you are flinging. "You disagree with me in a loud and colorful way, so something must be wrong with you!" Yawn.
Of course you are. I'll bet everyone loves your art!
When they are standing in front of you.
When I was younger I went to an "art fair" with an accomplished artist. Every time we would stop at a booth to look at the work I would say, "What a load of shit!" or something equally descriptive and honest. The artist I was with pulled me aside and said, "Hey man, you can't do that, the artists are standing right in those booths!" So I asked him if he liked the art and he admitted that he did not. So what was the difference between the reactions of the two of us? Protecting the artist's
Fuck that. I do not agree with complimenting and encouraging everyone. That every kid on every team should get a trophy and a blue ribbon, win lose or draw. Or that just because "I couldn't do that," it's great art. That is untrue (just like "I could do that" doesn't mean it's bad art).
A lot of "artists" need to be told the truth, but no one will do that. If you suck as a street mime, stage actor or a musician, people avoid your performances, or if they find themselves stuck at one, they boo and throw things at you. Eventually, either way, you get the point. How is an artist supposed to come to the horrible realization that what they are doing is crap if everyone just smiles in their faces?
The art world is
exactly like those American Idol kids on the early audition episodes. They are awful by every definition of the word, but no one has ever told them the truth, so they end up embarrassing themselves in front of millions of people. And then after being rejected, proclaiming through their tears that they will
never give up!
That's what encouraging the talentless gets us. If you dig that, good for you. I don't.
That painting is dead. No spark. No life. Praising it won't change that.