Hi All,
I have to firstly say a big thanks to this site for giving me the info I needed to get a Bukowski tour done while I was in LA. The Timeline link on this site was invaluable for that. Feel free to comment or add any bits of info you have on where I might have gone wrong, or taken a photo of somewhere completely unrelated.
Visit the link below and from there it will take you to a Googlemap link with my gps points for the addresses of The Buke, or where I figured them to be at least, along with some photos.
click here
The Limey
I have to firstly say a big thanks to this site for giving me the info I needed to get a Bukowski tour done while I was in LA. The Timeline link on this site was invaluable for that. Feel free to comment or add any bits of info you have on where I might have gone wrong, or taken a photo of somewhere completely unrelated.
Visit the link below and from there it will take you to a Googlemap link with my gps points for the addresses of The Buke, or where I figured them to be at least, along with some photos.
click here
The Limey