This one pissed me off for four reasons.
1) It overlooks most of the writing and just pigeon holes Bukowski as a cartoon character.
2) Are there really people who do ebay searches for "loser" or "Alkie". Just a sad attempt.
3) I am not sure how Bukowski could be considered a "loser". He is widely read, widely loved (hated by some, sure), died pretty famous and wealthy and continues to inspire new generations of writers. He is not selling poor copies of books on ebay...
3) the book is in shit shape.
If this person is on this forum then I apologize for calling you out, but c'mon.......
This one pissed me off for four reasons.
1) It overlooks most of the writing and just pigeon holes Bukowski as a cartoon character.
2) Are there really people who do ebay searches for "loser" or "Alkie". Just a sad attempt.
3) I am not sure how Bukowski could be considered a "loser". He is widely read, widely loved (hated by some, sure), died pretty famous and wealthy and continues to inspire new generations of writers. He is not selling poor copies of books on ebay...
3) the book is in shit shape.
If this person is on this forum then I apologize for calling you out, but c'mon.......