Most democracies in the world involve giving people the opportunity once every four years or so to vote for one of two or three parties. The elected party (or parties as we have here right now) then proceed to piss everyone off until we get the chance to get rid of them and replace them with an opposition party who will then do the same. Our only voice is in deciding what shit faced liar we get to pop up at fancy dinner parties abroad. In a real democracy we would have a say in policy making, not just who gets to make them.
The Russians still struggle with the concept of 'democracy', and as with other former communist countries, some still long for the old days. Democracy doesn't solve problems it just gives a legitimate face to oppression and takes the spot light off of deep rooted problems that do not cease to exist with the end of a dictatorship.
The West may learn from it's mistakes, or it may just continue the cycle and create another Taliban. But that's another story.