Got mine yesterday -- spectacular job, J & J! How cool to see my poem sandwiched between Hosh and Purple Stickpin. And the production on it, obviously a labor of love. Great poems all around, the usual quality stuff from Barker, Phillips and Father Luke and Johannes and Mr. Gerard H K Love. I spent most of last afternoon and evening just enjoying it ... thank you so much. Glad to be a part of it. :DReceived my copy in the post this morning. I must say it's a delightfully crafted little book. If 'A Common Thread' is anything to go by, then one thing is for sure - Chance Press has a bright future.
Echoes, echoes ... too beautiful for words, and Johannes, your poem "A silence artist" is one of the most brilliant lights of all. The way you took the idea behind Kafka's "A hunger artist" and made it your own in this poem -- I was blown away. But I can say that about so many of the poems in this book, not a clinker in the bunch. I've been proud to be in various magazines, but this and Jan's Buk Scene goes beyond proud ... I am honored.It is such a beautiful made, great book!
I got it in the mail today, slightly hungover (cliche) (but true) I awoke at 11.32 and had to be in town at 13.00, jammed something to eat into me and run out of the door, checked the postbox out of reflex and there it was! My worked-out plan was to knack a beer in the evening and slowly go through it, celebrating, but that all went to hell when first I had to touch it (covers, etc.) than I had to glance and finally couldn't stop reading but couldn't stop to read either :) ... so I ran down the street, book in hand, people glancing at the title and me almost crashing several street lamps. Now it's lying next to me as I type this.
Thank you very much for all your work, J'n'J! I am truly proud to be in it.
don't we all?... I think I know this girl too he is writing about
the confusion with the j's is pretty common, actually :D.