Not to turn this into an ebay hating thread, but there were some major changes to ebay that take effect on 2/20. Of course, the fees went up big time. Final value fees went up like 50%. Also the biggest change is that sellers will not be allowed to leave anything BUT positive feedback for buyers. What this will do is allow people to bid and then not pay without the seller being able to do anything about it. Also, it is assumed that this will increase feedback blackmail. The scenatrio goes like this:
Buyer buys a book from seller. Buyer takes 15 days to pay for the item. After it is paid for and received, the buyer sends the seller an e-mail asking him to post positive feedback. The seller does not feel that it is warranted. The buyer then tells the seller that if he does not leave glowing, positive feedback (which is all that he can do), then he will post negative feedback. At this point, the seller can only post glowing positive feedback. Imagine that the seller does this to 50 sellers. Now he has 50 glowing feedbacks, when he is clearly someone that no one would want to deal with. Now he buys an expensive book. Let's say that it is a $2000 first edition. He bids on it and pays promptly. The seller ships the book. The buyer receives the book and replaces it with a later edition worth $15 and immediatly e-mails the seller letting him know that he has mis-described the book. He returns the later edition book for a full refund.
This is all now possible for a disreputable buyer on ebay because of the changes that they just made. If you wonder why they would do this, I have my own theories...
1) Ebay makes money on the transaction either way
2) Fraudulent buyer then decides to hit it big and with his 50 positive feedbacks steals images off of the internet and selles books that he does not have for big money before folding. Leaving the ripped off buyewrs wondering how a seller with 50+ GLOWING feedbacks could possibly be a fraud... Ebay still makes their cut on the deal even though the buyer is out big money and the seller has moved on to another account to do exactly the same thing
Hopefully it will change back. There is outrage to the point that the biggest seller on ebay. A platinum seller with over 138,000 feedbacks and one that listed 10,000 items a wek has left ebay. I can only imagine that this will cost them some money.
I have a bunch of stuff that I was going to post on ebay (Buk, mostly). I'll probably post it here and not list it on ebay. Ebay has shown that it is only concerned with buyers, even though buyers do not pay ebay anything. Every dollar that they make is either from the sellers or from advertising. It is a scarry time to sell anything on ebay unless you know the winning bidder and know that they will not rip you off.
Expect a whole new market of scamming to come out of Nigeria on this one...
OK... I'm done complaining. I'll post my fixed price items on this forum. Then if they do not sell, I MAY take my chances on ebay. At worst, I'll get ripped off.