definitely the major problem is gathering your own voice, not trying to mimic your favorites, while paying homage to their style, perhaps in a tasteful way that seems natural for you, you can be 1000 poems deep before you feel like you've found your voice. I've been writing and it's all an evolution, something intangible, but you can feel yourself growing in your words.
if you always feel like what you're doing is the best you've got, you're constantly on a path of progression. I can't say whether the errors lie in the fluff of excessive wordiness
or sometimes the lack there of. Thinking of poetry specifically here, but as you begin to take the duller moments of the daily ground, bring them about in a poem to eventually capture it all right, is all you can hope for. To get what you believe is right, is all there is, it's too hard to agree, better try to satisfy yourself, and take each word past the next.
Anyways, I'm going to assume this drunken ramble at dawn doesn't make sense...